Kepler Astrology Software
Kepler Astrology Software

Kepler Astrology Software

Kepler is a revolutionary product unlike anything else: so complete and easy to use that a complete novice can use it to obtain useful information, but so sophisticated that it uses cutting edge astrological theory (harmonics and cosmobiology, for example, to produce some of the interpretive reports - don't worry, you don't need to understand what these are to use Kepler!).

  • There's more, check Extra Features List.
  • Art Wheels: Chart Wheels that look like works of art.
  • Complete Atlas: Kepler comes with a complete atlas of the world with over 260,00 cities.
  • Save chart wheels to file in PNG, PCX, BMP, TIF, GIF, and JPG format.
  • Save interpretive reports in HTML, RTF, TXT, and PDF format.
  • Select multiple printouts for group of charts.
  • Kepler Astrology Software

    Instead of writing out "Sun in Aries", "Moon in Sagittarius", "Mercury in Taurus", etc., you can instead write the symbols. This astrological font can be used in your word processing program.

  • Kepler has 4 complete sets of TrueType astrology font.
  • A large number of optional add on interpretative reports are available.
  • Van Dam Primary Direction by Wim van Dam.
  • Medieval Wheel with Essential Dignities, almutens, etc.
  • Easy selection of multiple Vedic varga charts.
  • Kepler Astrology Software Kepler Astrology Software

    Treasure Maps (a Unique and Exciting Feature).A tremendous variety of wheel styles to choose from.Whether your interest is learning astrology, research, advanced techniques, beautiful graphics, or having attractive chart wheels and accurate interpretations, Kepler can deliver what you need. The Kepler program provides a comprehensive set of tools that is useful for a wide range of interests. Kepler also provides a huge number of technical calculations for the advanced or professional astrologer. The information is in plain English so you can understand it, and uses the latest, most sophisticated astrological analytical techniques to provide accuracy. Kepler provides interpretations and analysis of individuals, relationships, and future trends. Although this may sound impossible, we have made it possible by having well organized menus novices can stick to the basics, and experts use the advanced features. Kepler is very easy to use! It can be used by people with any level of experience, from novice to professional. Novices can stick to the basics, experts use the advanced features. Kepler can be used by people with any level of experience, from novice to professional. Kepler Software for Windows by Cosmic Patterns Software

    Kepler Astrology Software